The events that led to Sony, many reports detailing the characteristics of both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox subsequently found their way into the web. We have also seen some reports on the future of the PS Eye and Microsoft Kinect and controller of the strategy for the next Xbox. One aspect of both consoles do not get a lot of information on guard, so far. "Anonymous sources" have confirmed to several branches that yes, this is prototype. If so, what can we learn about the PS4 controller of this image?

First, it should be noted that this is supposed to be a prototype, which means that there will necessarily be constructed end. Therefore, if you can not help feeling that the guards are very deep and large, this can corrected in the final unit.The most significant aspect of the prototype is a bright blue light, and it is likely safe to assume that this is a technology that is similar to the PlayStation Move, built directly into the standard controller.
The light is very similar to that found in the Move controller as caramel. Why else stick Sony blue stripes which stands at the top of his guards? Analog Trunk finally changed from convex to concave, with a single raised ring around the outer edge, similar the trunk was found in the Wii Nunchuk controller. Controller only appears to show two side buttons - one on each side - instead of two on each side are used to, but it is likely that the two shoulder buttons placed next to the
Driver side or rear. If so, it's probably more like shooting shoulder caps standard. In the center of the controller, the start button, we see a collection of small holes, probably representing the speaker, similar to that found in the Wiimote. Is it possible that the microphone is also on guard around the area, but there is no way to know by examining picture.Lastly, the reason why the regulator seems so strange, what appears to be a touch screen has a lot of CPU. The screen is small and can be technically some types of non-touch LCD, similar to those found in high-end gaming keyboard - but with the upcoming PS Vita sports and again touch sensitivity and route Nintendo Wii U play with, it would not be surprising to see Sony able to utilize the contact area.
Given that the picture does not show the beginning or the Select button, we can only assume that the touch screen will available. Still, it is not entirely impossible that Sony just dispense with the Start and Select, and will only depends on another button to take job responsibilities to spare.
He also noted that the large beige controller unit including prototype development kits PS4 reported. As with the controllers, kits dev is not a sport sleek retail, so do not panic and declare Sony's next console curse on aesthetics game hardware always spoil the whole industry. Sony event is only five days away, so if they do announce the PS4 as expected, then surely we will see What aspects of the prototype did in the final design.

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