Photo Apps for the iPhone ~ InfoTech

Friday, 15 February 2013

Photo Apps for the iPhone

There are hundreds of iPhone applications available for photo editing and sharing. View Freeze Cat, OldBooth, Juxtaposer, Pano, Photogene, Best Camera App, Comicify, Tilt Shift, Night Cameras and more applications below! Apple has also finally iPhoto application for the iPhone - a perennial hit on the Macintosh! There are also great tools such as Wi-Fi transfers photos and Treehouse to help move your photos to other devices and services.

Report flurry that "Photo & Video is a category of mobile applications across the fastest growing major mobile platforms for the time spent on each application photos and video of active users increased 89% to 231 minutes per month between October 2011 and March 2012 and a massive 166% since July 2011. "


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